Wentao Wu

Hi, I'm Wentao Wu, a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Welcome to My Homepage!


Principal Investigator

    Coordination Control Technique of Unmanned Surface Vehicle Swarms for Ocean Ranch
  • Funding Source: Hainan Special Ph.D. Scientific Research Foundation of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City
  • Funding Number: HSPHDSRF-2022-01-007
  • State Date: 2022.01-2023.12

Co-Principal Investigator

    Research on Intelligent Cooperative Control Decision Method of Unmanned Surface Vessel Swarms under Complex Tasks
  • Funding Source: National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Funding Number: U2141234
  • State Date: 2022.01-2026.12

    Key Technology of Air-Sea Cross-Domain Autonomous Coordination System for Maritime Search And Rescue
  • Funding Source: Hainan Province Science and Technology Special Fund
  • Funding Number: ZDYF2021GXJS041
  • State Date: 2021.06-2023.06